Tuesday, December 13, 2005

King Frankenstein - Progress Report

The last week has gone pretty well in terms of practice. I have now reverted back from playing my electric guitar to playing my acoustic guitar along to Danny’s drumming as my thoughts on the future band line-up steer towards a 4 piece set up, with me on acoustic guitar and vocals, Danny on drums, a person playing bass and someone playing lead melodies on electric guitar to compliment my rhythm and picking work.
I originally intended to keep to a 3 piece set up for simplicity and also because I have never been in a 3 piece band before and was intrigued as to how it would work. I now feel that this would not work with the kind of songs I am writing.

I now need to finish the lyrics for the songs in progress so we can advertise for a bass player. Also when I am sure I can remember the words, I want to take these songs to some local acoustic nights to gain some confidence playing in front of people. I think back to some early Nirvana footage where they had various friends sitting in whilst they practiced at home, I think this would be a good place to start.

I started working on a new song this weekend called ‘Little Tree on Big Rock(Achievement)’ the idea came to me when looking at those motivational/corporate slogan posters in the corridors at work, the ones with the picture of a group of skydivers in formation and the word TEAMWORK above it in big letters. I have a good feeling about this song; I’ll see how it goes!


JJ said...

My offer of atonal kazoo accompaniment still stands.

JJ said...

Don't you think it's time for an update?