I certainly felt cold on Saturday night, I went out for the first time in ages, around the city centre with my brother and a couple of friends, I forgot to order a taxi, and so I had to walk about a mile to the bars in the freezing wind with just a shirt and trousers for protection against the cold.....just what you need when your about to order a couple of cold beers!
I still have not made a start on recording any songs, due to a couple of small setbacks resulting from some new software and not knowing how to change a particular setting, but I will get there, I promise. It's really annoying to have almost an albums worth of stuff and not be able to record it!
2 funny, but somewhat worrying incidents (1) At lunch time today, I walked to a nearby bakery/sandwich shop to get a sandwich, whilst waiting, two of the female workers (in their late forties) started an argument which turned into a fight, in front of the customers! One of them was the manager and the other was the assistant manager.
(2) A friend who lives 2 streets away was sorting out his computer in his living room last Monday, when he was under the computer table plugging the computer in, he noticed a long black thing along the skirting board which turned out to be a snake about 1 metre in length, not knowing weather it was dangerous or not he decided to call an animal welfare agency for help, which didn't arrive until the following evening, despite them treating it as an emergency! Imagine if he had just watched 'Snakes on A Plane' before finding it, he would have had a heart attack. Luckily it was not dangerous.