I certainly felt cold on Saturday night, I went out for the first time in ages, around the city centre with my brother and a couple of friends, I forgot to order a taxi, and so I had to walk about a mile to the bars in the freezing wind with just a shirt and trousers for protection against the cold.....just what you need when your about to order a couple of cold beers!
I still have not made a start on recording any songs, due to a couple of small setbacks resulting from some new software and not knowing how to change a particular setting, but I will get there, I promise. It's really annoying to have almost an albums worth of stuff and not be able to record it!
2 funny, but somewhat worrying incidents (1) At lunch time today, I walked to a nearby bakery/sandwich shop to get a sandwich, whilst waiting, two of the female workers (in their late forties) started an argument which turned into a fight, in front of the customers! One of them was the manager and the other was the assistant manager.
(2) A friend who lives 2 streets away was sorting out his computer in his living room last Monday, when he was under the computer table plugging the computer in, he noticed a long black thing along the skirting board which turned out to be a snake about 1 metre in length, not knowing weather it was dangerous or not he decided to call an animal welfare agency for help, which didn't arrive until the following evening, despite them treating it as an emergency! Imagine if he had just watched 'Snakes on A Plane' before finding it, he would have had a heart attack. Luckily it was not dangerous.
I can't help feeling you missed a trick by not photographing the 2 fighting ladies, especially in a sandwich shop. You don't get that on blogs very often.
Don't get the 'Dark Discovery' bit, maybe I've been drinking too much bovril of late? But I go along with Bazza's comment, where's the photo of the catfight?
Never mind though, get your arse down to Haworth Arms this Thursday (25th) for this months 'Bohemian Revolution', it'll be a scream, you might even catch me reading some Charles Bukowski, if I get drunk enough.
I agree with Bazza, where's the piccie of the brawl?
As for snakes, we had to remove on out of our garage a while ago. And there have been a couple in the house too. Goes with living on a farm I guess but I suppose your friend lives in the city. Go figure! The snake must have forgotten to read the manual.
Did you know that some snakes can be taught to talk? Did your friend ask the snake any questions?
its true, i even have learned to type0)_-
Maybe the snake was really the devil and he had poisoned an apple.
Tell your friend not to eat apples - it may be a sign.
Maybe the apple had a time delayed poison & he is dead now! Have you checked?
hello friend.
the new year has definetely bought with it many new things your way. new, nice template. new job with new adventures. and now a brand new picture..glad you are back to taking them, you have such a good eye for them. having fun with your music. hang in there, it will all come together and we will rejoice with you..
glad the snake was not dangerous..and i thought it was scary to find bugs back when i lived in Miami..poor friend..
take care and now i'm happy to be able to visit you...will be back asap and in the meantime i leave you a big hug.
did you say maiami? do you know will smith?
Heard somebody was talking about me.
Anyone seen Jazzy Jeff? - thinking of a come back tour.
Did the snake own any ears?
If so it is possible to teach them to talk - it's my job after all!
what kind of depth did the apple have to it/width?
did you come in contact with the apple at this time?
are you still here to tell the tale?
did the apple have ears?
if so it will not have been a normal apple
you say the snake wasn't dangerous, may i put it to you that the snake may have in-fact been dangermouse? (amazing, fantastic)
i need this information forthwith and no sooner!
did the snake in question just so happen to be wearing a wedding ring?
When the apple approached you, did you not think it may have been in suspicious circumstances? What was it's real intent do you think? Can you honestly claim it was not down to poor judgement on your part?
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