Monday, April 09, 2007

Recording has begun!



The Dogs with the old man

Seeing as it was a nice weekend weatherwise and seeing as it was also a long Easter bank holiday weekend, we decided to take the 20 minute drive to the beach, it's the first time the 2 pups have been, as you would expect, they loved it!

I have now finally begun recording some new songs, and despite my limited equipment, and the lack of a real drummer, I have managed to get some good results. The songs are not finished yet, I still need to buy a keyboard and a proper recording microphone to add some vocals, but I am pleased with my progress. Over the last 4 days I have recorded 6 songs, 5 are proper ones and one is a comedy "piss take" song, for my less serious side which goes under the banner of 'Legend of Sid' of course all songs will appear on my 'Myspace' pages when completed. I have managed to record everything in one take so far, which is what I wanted, as I don't want my songs to sound too perfect, I like to have little mistakes and errors in there, it keeps things sounding real!
When I get a keyboard and recording mic, I intend to record a new song every 1- 2 weeks, some for my serious side and some for my Legend of Sid act!